If you have been in an older home where the kitchen is walled off from the rest of the house, you know how confining that space can feel. Many homeowners are choosing to remove the walls around their kitchens, creating a cooking space connected to the rest of the house. If you have ever thought about converting your kitchen to an open kitchen, read more to find out why so many people think it is a good idea.

Sofie Parker
Sofie Parker, Wellness Expert at Inboard Skate.
3 Advantages of Having an Open Kitchen:
• Saves you Time and Money
Having an open kitchen saves you some time doing chores and cleaning up because everything is within reach. Because there are no walls to obstruct your view, you don’t have to constantly open and close doors or have a hard time calling someone to help you in the kitchen. As such, work will be much more efficient.
Open kitchens can also save you money because you can skip adding some lights to the room. Because it’s not a separate space from your living room or dining area, you can just count on the natural light coming from the windows. You don’t have to turn on the lights as much, saving you money on your electric bill.
• Safer and Family-Friendly
If you got kids at home, an open kitchen will make it easier to keep an eye on them. You can easily see if kids are playing with hazardous objects or if they’re watching a PG movie by themselves in the living room. Even if you don’t have kids, the open space is conducive to family gatherings and social events you host at home.
• Airy and Comfortable Ambiance
Walls and partitions do offer privacy, but they can also feel restrictive. Not having these dividers in the kitchen just opens up the area and lets the house breathe. It gives off a nice, warm, homely feeling.
Makes Life Easier and Cooking More Enjoyable
The very first thing that excited me about my open kitchen was the way it encouraged me to keep the kitchen clean. Because it is in the view of anyone who visits, everyone is encouraged to keep it clean always.
Easy Interaction
It’s also easier to interact with anyone in the house because there’s no barrier or wall between us. I can also keep an eye on the kids while cooking and not worry about what they have their hands on while I’m busy.
Larger Space
This is by far my favorite part. Growing up, I didn’t have a large kitchen, so I was never encouraged to cook. An open kitchen allows you to move around and store all of your utensils and appliances. If you’ve never enjoyed cooking, trust me when I say that an open kitchen will change your mind. While cooking, you have the freedom to move around and arrange your ingredients without feeling constrained. It’s simply incredible.

Cynthia Halow
Cynthia Halow, Founder of Personality Max. Figuring out people’s inner workings has always been Cynthia’s passion, and she has an MA in Industrial-Organisational Psychology to prove it.

Erik Pham
Erik Pham, CEO of Health Canal. He created the website Healthcanal and he hopes that people can live healthier and better lives when reading his articles.
Spacious and Accomodating
Very Spacious
One of the biggest advantages of open kitchens is the space [created by] merging two to three rooms like the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room. It’s far easier to bring in furniture. Not to mention, some people love the ambiance of a wide-open space. It’s much easier to move around, which is a huge benefit as well.
Easy To Accommodate Guests
A larger space means that it can accommodate more people. If you’re the type of person who invites guests often to their house, then I recommend an open kitchen. You can have multiple dining tables because of the extra space, and your guests won’t feel cramped in the dining room, allowing for more pleasurable social interactions.
It’s also a good place for movie nights or watching sports with your buddies since you won’t miss out on the fun even if you’re out there making a snack in the kitchen. Needless to say, an open kitchen is a good idea for enhancing social interactions, and you should get one if a lot of people tend to come to hang out with you.
Open Kitchens are Welcoming and Homey
I personally only see advantages with open kitchens. For most, the kitchen is the heart of the house and usually where families congregate. Having an open kitchen allows the space to feel less confining and more welcoming. Additionally, if your home is smaller, an open kitchen allows you to take advantage of the space you do have and makes your area feel larger.

Tom Levy
Tom Levy is the founder of Natural Asthetik.

Parvathy Pothan
Parvathy Pothan is the founder-editor of Smart Home Guide, a blog that focuses on home maintenance and buying guides for kitchen appliances.
Open Kitchens Get Everyone Involved
Cooking isn’t necessarily a chore that everyone enjoys. Many people do it out of compulsion rather than leisurely. An open kitchen is a huge advantage for such people as they don’t feel stuck or lonely while cooking. The whole family tends to chip in without being asked when they see chores piling up right in front of their eyes. Also, it makes cooking a lot more interactive.
Mealtimes Become More Social
Open kitchens make it easier for everyone to be involved in food preparation, which means that mealtimes become more social and family-oriented, creating a sense of community by allowing people to come together in one room.
An open kitchen layout is usually much more efficient than traditional layouts because it eliminates wasted space.

Liana Green
Liana created Liana’s Kitchen, a popular food and kitchen blog to share simple recipes, cooking tips, and reviews on kitchen appliances.

Geoff Cash
Geoff Cash, Founder and Remodeling Expert at Refresh Remodeling.
Advantages from a Remodeling Expert
1. Cleaning is a breeze.
By opening it to everyone, you always feel the urge to [keep] your area clean in every activity you do in the kitchen. That being the case, there will be no dirt build-up, and cleaning it will not be a hassle.
2. The area is well lit, even without artificial lights.
Since there are no barriers to sunlight, there is less need for artificial lights. It can lower a portion of your electricity bills. So, an open kitchen is also an energy saver.
3. You have more space.
Due to the walls not being in place, the area provided for them can be additional space that can make your area bigger.
4 Reasons to Love an Open Kitchen
An open kitchen is a room that allows you to watch your food get cooked while the smells waft through the entire house. Having an open kitchen is good for your home and makes cooking more fun and exciting.
Fun and Exciting
When you invite people over to your house, they love having the option to watch their food get cooked before they eat it. This makes a meal more fun and exciting for everyone involved!
Exposure To Food Hazards
When one cooks in this kind of room, they know that there is no place for mistakes because the whole kitchen is right there. This keeps you from burning yourself or spilling something on the floor.
Easier Cleaning
Some people might find this strange, but you might like knowing that you don’t have to worry about spilled drinks or grease splatters getting throughout your house because they’re right where you can see them. That means that you don’t have to do as much cleaning, which is a huge perk.
Focused Cooking
Another thing about having more than enough space for anything you might need while working with food is that it helps you focus on what’s important during your meal prep time. You can make everything exactly how you want to without thinking much about getting it out onto the table or having enough space for everything.

Loren Quimbo
Loren Quimbo is currently the Outreach Manager of Kitchen Science.

Anne Laurenzi
Anne Laurenzi is the co-owner of TakeFlight Home Buyers in Northwest Florida and the author of the RollerCoaster Real Estate blog.
An Open Kitchen is Ideal for Entertaining
Many homeowners consider the kitchen the “hub” of their home. Whether they are members of the household or visiting guests, the kitchen is where people tend to naturally congregate and socialize. A kitchen with an open design creates an inviting and comfortable environment in which to facilitate this tendency and make entertaining a breeze.
When there are no barriers to other living spaces of the house, guests can still feel like they are part of the conversation, even if there is spillover into the dining or living room areas. For a homeowner that likes to host larger gatherings, the additional casual eating [area] offered by a peninsula or island bar is always a plus. Not only do these areas provide more food preparation space, but they allow the cook to still be engaged with others while preparing refreshments and meals.
Open Kitchens Increase a Home’s Resale Value
There are many advantages to adding an open kitchen to your home. First, it allows you to easily cook and socialize with guests or family members. You don’t have to miss out on all the fun because you are cooking. Speaking of your guests, an open kitchen plan will also allow you to have better traffic flow for getting around the room.
For those that are more focused on design, open kitchens allow a lot more natural light into your home. This can make your space feel open, light, and inviting.
Finally, our favorite advantage of adding an open kitchen to your home is the high resale value. If you are looking for a way to increase the value of your home, there is nothing like adding an open kitchen.

Kyle Kauffman
Kyle Kauffman is the owner of Kauffman Kitchens a kitchen remodeling and design company located in Lancaster, PA.

Eden Cheng
Eden Cheng, Co-Founder of PeopleFinderFree.
Why Open Kitchens Are Still Popular
Open-plan kitchens are a design trend that has been around for a long time, and their popularity has only grown in the past decade. It essentially entails eliminating some or all the walls that divide the kitchen and whatever room is beyond the walls, usually either the dining room or the living room.
There are various advantages of an open kitchen, the first of which is that the majority of modern designers recognize it as a space-friendly and cost-effective option. Another advantage is that it is a way of bringing loved ones into closer proximity with each other, allowing them to continue interacting where it would have not been possible with a traditional, closed-plan kitchen.
Open kitchens also can improve air circulation and the dispersion of natural light. Walls act as a barrier and removing them will allow light and air into the room, which can prove useful as kitchens can get very stuffy.
Another advantage of an open kitchen, at least for parents of young children, is that it makes it easier to watch over little ones while still in the kitchen, allowing you to attend to other duties while the kids continue to play. A final advantage of an open kitchen is that it could potentially improve the resale value of the house, considering how sought-after open-plan kitchens have become these days.
Benefits of an Open Kitchen
The biggest advantage of an open kitchen is that it allows you to keep an eye on your kids while also working. It allows you to monitor every corner of the living room and the kitchen.
It provides you with more space to work in. You can also put some furniture in the kitchen.
It also adds resale value to your home, making your investment completely useful. It also makes it quite easy for you to clean the kitchen given the added space.

Sandra Blair
Sandra Blair, CEO of CoffeeShan.
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