You may be wondering what the point of a granite backsplash is and why you need one for your project. Well, it’s definitely not a step you’ll want to skip if you’ve already contemplated not adding it in. Their purpose is simple, as backsplashes have two main functions:
- Backsplashes will cover the gaps that are in between the counter top and wall. When granite is installed a small, but noticeable gap between the granite and the wall will occur, why? Not all homes have perfectly straight walls, which results in that small gap.
- Backsplashes act as a protector against water. With that gap, water and moisture are more likely to get into the wall causing mold, which is extremely likely to happen behind your sink. Utilizing a backsplash of the same granite will create a consistent look that truly ties the room together.
Adding Value
Another common question regarding backsplashes is if they really add value to your home. Backsplashes will definitely add value to your home! You’re not just adding more granite to your project, but improving the finished look. With a better, more complete finished product the chances of your home’s resale value will grow.
We highly recommend adding a backsplash that adds contrast. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need to go from a darker granite to a lighter one to achieve said contrast. A slightly lighter shade of the same color scheme that your counters have, will do just fine. It’s also important to note that a back splash of color that is too similar will result in a blending effect; so you won’t be able to see the separation.
As for the materials you can use for a backsplash, there are various materials for various styles. There is a range in styles, colors, textures, as well as pricing. It will mainly come down to your personal preference. However, we suggest that you go with a similar material to achieve the best, most consistent look. So a natural stone counter would ideally have a natural stone back splash. Other options, if you prefer something else, which would pair well with natural stone are mosaic tiles, glass, or stainless steel.
Your kitchen, or bathroom, won’t have a unified or consistent look if you skip adding a back splash. Common alternatives have been to simply paint the areas in between the counter and cabinets. To us, we don’t believe that this alternative will achieve any kind of aesthetic value your project. If anything, it takes it away! Utilizing a backsplash, which doesn’t have to be the same exact slab as the counters, will allow you to be more creative in your overall design.
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