On the Edge: Choosing The Right Countertop Edge

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Granite Buying Made Simple

On the Edge: Choosing The Right Countertop Edge   On the Edge: Choosing The Right Countertop Edge

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Granite Buying Made Simple

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On the Edge: Choosing The Right Countertop Edge

On the Edge: Choosing The Right Countertop Edge   On the Edge: Choosing The Right Countertop Edge

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On the Edge: Choosing The Right Countertop Edge

So you’ve picked out your granite slabs, chosen a fabricator, and are ready to install your beautiful new kitchen countertops.  But wait! There’s one more decision left to make. What type of countertop edge profile will you select? The edge profile refers simply to the shape of the countertop edge you will have; if they were left as-is, the edges would look unappealing and could even be dangerous. Depending on the skill level of your fabricator, there may be dozens of different edging options available to you, with the more ornate designs costing extra to install. Today, however, we want to show you a few of the most simple, elegant options that most fabricators will be able to shape effortlessly and without charging extra.


A beveled edge is simply a short slant cut into the edge of the granite at a 45 degree angle. The length of the slant determines whether you have a “short bevel” or “long bevel” – typically the range is from a quarter-inch to one full inch. A beveled edge will reflect light differently on all three of its faces, creating an interesting reflective surface.

Bullnose and Half Bullnose

The bullnose countertop edge offers a rounded profile on both the top and the bottom of the slab. Alternatively, the half bullnose is rounded on the top and mostly flat along the bottom half creating a “waterfall” shape. Both styles create a smooth and seamless appearance.


The eased edge retains the structural simplicity of the granite slab, simply rounding the edges just slightly to take away the sharp corners. This simple profile offers the most traditional countertop edge appearance.

The average shopper will find that one of these basic profiles meets their needs very well, but do be aware that there are dozens of more options available out there. You can easily find a variety of different styles by browsing the internet, or simply asking your fabricator what they are able to do for you.