Designed and created with beautiful granite flooring and granite countertops in Denver, the Downtown Historic District is a special spot that brings a lot of character to the city of Denver. The Downtown Historic District is made up of 43 buildings that have some historical and architectural significance. Curators hoped that by coining this area as a “historic district”, future residents and businesses would continue to protect, preserve, and maintain the grounds and buildings.
Granite Themes In Denver
Granite buildings, granite floors, and granite countertops in Denver are commonly found throughout Denver’s antique structures. All historic buildings have copious amounts of natural stone on their exteriors and interiors because of its impact on the aesthetics. Many publications that feature some of Denver’s most famous buildings, discuss the use of natural stone and particularly granite in their construction. For example, Colorado Field Guide of Historic Architecture and Engineering (Pearce, 2008) highlights many of these attributable characteristics of Denver’s buildings. The use of granite exteriors and granite floors and granite countertops in Denver is a golden thread that can easily be followed when trailing these historic buildings. The popularity of granite has increased all over the globe.
Romanesque Influence
Architects and designers that love and follow a Romanesque style had unsurmountable influence over the design trends in Denver’s Historical District. Romanesque architecture encompasses architectural components from Europe the came out of the Dark Ages in the late 10th Century. These early elements then grew into the adored Gothic style of the 12th century. These eras have been the vehicle that prompted the use of granite floors and granite countertops in Denver. These styles are timeless and ever lasting which is why curators continually go back to the roots of this design detail. Today, using a Romanesque and/or Gothic design style helps modern day designers bridge the gap from the past to the present.
The Boston Building
The Boston Building is one of the buildings located in Denver’s Historic District. It was built in 1890 and designed by Andrews, Jacques, and Rantoul. In 1890, the Boston Building was one of the most modern office buildings in the city. Over the past several decades, this building has undergone various repairs and renovations because it has stood so long. The largest renovation took place in 1998 when designers wanted to restore its refined elegance and decided to use granite floors and granite countertops in Denver. Today, this large building that neighbors the 16th street mall, houses 158 residential apartment lofts. These have been highly coveted since they were completed. The interiors are spectacular with modern adornments like granite floors and granite countertops in Denver and some of the original antique characteristics. For example, these lofts have high-pressed tin ceilings, exposed brick, and original stain glass windows. The residents that are lucky enough to live in such valor get to partake in Denver’s history every day. Choosing to use granite floors and granite countertops in Denver upgraded the units while complimenting trends of the past.
The Kittredge Building
Another well-known building that is part of Denver’s Historic District is the Kittredge Building. This multi-story office building is quite noticeable standing among many of the modern glass and steel buildings of today. Designed and completed in 1890 by A. Morris Stuckett, it was the first of Denver’s buildings to install an elevator. It has granite in its construction from Colorado quarries and granite benches and gargoyles. The Kittredge building does have granite floors and granite countertops in many of the tenant suites today. The building is made up of prime retail space and class “A” office space.
The Neusteter Building
The Neusteter Building which was built in 1924 to house the famed Nuesteter Department Store is another example of Romanesque architecture using granite floor and granite countertops in Denver. In 1990, the historical building was converted into modern day condominiums. Residents enjoy an eclectic living style in the heart of the historic district with granite floors and granite countertops in Denver and lasting design details from 1900.
These are but a few of the 43 buildings in the city’s Historic District that have granite exteriors and granite floors and granite countertops in Denver. As a passerby on the city street you would not know the extent of the detail that lies within the walls of these buildings.
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